Laser Circumcision – Surgery Procedure, Recovery & Risks

Laser Circumcision

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Traditionally, circumcision has been performed using a scalpel or surgical scissors. However, with advancements in medical technology, laser circumcision has emerged as an advanced and minimally-invasive method.

So what is laser circumcision? Does it have any benefits over traditional methods? Is laser circumcision safe?

In this blog, we will answer all your questions regarding laser circumcision and discuss everything you may need to know about it. 

What is Laser Circumcision?

Laser circumcision is an advanced and minimally-invasive surgical procedure that uses a laser to cut and remove the foreskin. A laser circumcision is an extremely precise procedure that results in minimal risk of any postoperative complications and better aesthetic results.

The entire procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and does not take more than 10-15 minutes to complete.

Laser circumcision has proven to be a major breakthrough in urological procedures. Since a laser is used to create incisions and remove the foreskin, there is only minor bleeding compared to traditional methods.

Additionally, laser circumcision is capable of preserving surrounding tissues and often considered to be best for tissue conservation. Before moving on to the procedure and how to prepare yourself for it, let us discuss why a laser circumcision is generally performed and if it is the suitable treatment method for you.

Why is Laser Circumcision Performed?

A laser foreskin removal surgery is typically performed due to either medical or non-medical reasons. Some of the most common medical and non-medical reasons for laser circumcision procedures are given below.

Medical reasons

Circumcision surgery is often considered to be a permanent and effective solution to various foreskin-related conditions such as:

  • Phimosis: Phimosis is a condition of the penis in which the foreskin cannot be pulled back or retracted over the head, or the glans, of the penis. Phimosis is generally not a problem, and if it is asymptomatic, it does not require surgical intervention. But if your condition has become severe or symptomatic, your urologist may recommend laser circumcision.
  • Paraphimosis: Paraphimosis is a condition of the penis in which the foreskin, once retracted, becomes trapped behind the penis glans. Such a constriction of the foreskin can cause impaired flow of blood and inflict serious damage on the penis. Due to this, paraphimosis is usually considered to be an emergency and requires immediate medical attention.
  • Recurrent balanitis: Balanitis is the pain and inflammation of the penis glans typically caused by an infection. Most cases of balanitis can be treated through medications and anti-fungal creams. However, recurrent cases may require laser circumcision. 
  • Preventive healthcare: Laser circumcisions are often performed as part of preventive healthcare. Studies have shown that circumcised males are at a slightly lower risk of contracting or developing certain penile conditions such as Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), and penile cancer.
  • Easier hygiene: With the removal of the foreskin, it becomes easier for a person to regularly wash away any excess microbes, bacteria, or smegma. This helps maintain good genital hygiene in men and significantly reduces the chances of penis-related conditions and diseases.

Non-Medical reasons

As previously mentioned, circumcisions are also performed due to religious, cultural, or social significance. Some of the most common non-medical reasons for circumcision include:

  • Religious significance: Circumcision operation is also sometimes referred to as sunnath operation in some religions and is commonly performed as part of religious rites.
  • Personal preference: It is not uncommon for adults to opt for circumcision due to personal preferences such as cosmetic or aesthetic reasons. 

How to Prepare for Laser Circumcision Procedure?

To ensure a smooth and complications-free operation, your urologist will likely instruct you to follow some simple tips and guidelines, such as:

  • Avoid eating or drinking at least 6 hours before surgery. This applies to patients who are undergoing the procedure under general anesthesia
  • Make sure to clean and shave the pubic area. Bring a pair of tight-fitting briefs to wear afterward, which can keep the surgical dressing in place. Continue to wear these at home until the swelling and soreness has eased.
  • Make sure to leave any jewelry, ornaments, and contact lenses at home. You do not need them in a hospital, and they may interfere with the procedure.
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol or smoking for at least 48 hours leading up to the surgery. These can not only slow down your recovery process but may also result in anesthesia-related complications.
  • While not necessary, take at least a few days off from work. Most patients can return to their daily routine in just 2-3 days after surgery, but each patient has different healing capabilities, and your laser circumcision recovery time may take slightly longer to complete.
  • Due to anesthetic after-effects, you won’t be able to drive yourself home after the surgery. It is advisable to plan ahead and have someone drive you home or at least accompany you in a cab.

Now that we have discussed how you can prepare for your laser circumcision surgery let us move on to how laser foreskin removal is performed.

How is Laser Circumcision Surgery Performed?

Preoperative Tests and Diagnostics

Prior to surgery, your urologist will likely perform a series of simple tests to assess your overall health and take any precautions during surgery.

If you struggle with any foreskin conditions, your urologist will perform a routine physical examination to determine its severity and if surgical treatment is necessary. To better understand your condition, your urologist may also perform additional diagnostic tests such as:

  • Urinalysis: Urinalysis is a commonly performed diagnostic test that is performed to examine the visual, chemical, and microscopic aspects of your urine.
  • Blood Tests: A blood test is one of the most common tests healthcare providers use to monitor your overall health or help diagnose medical conditions. You may have a blood test as part of a routine physical examination or because you have certain symptoms. 
  • Tissue Culture: A swab test is generally performed to examine the foreskin for bacterial/fungal infection in a laboratory


A laser circumcision surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia. However, depending on your age and overall health, your urologist may prefer the use of general anesthesia as well. 

Before the operation begins, the surgeon will clean and prep the penis to minimize the chances of any infection. The surgery will only begin once the surgical site is completely sterile and numbed.

In a laser circumcision operation, the surgeon uses a high-energy laser beam to remove the foreskin. The laser is moved manually by the surgeon along a predetermined incision line which ensures clean wound edges and preservation of surrounding tissue.

Due to its precise and minimally invasive nature, there is almost no risk of deep cuts or excessive bleeding. This results in better cosmetic results, minimal risk of complications, and shorter recovery periods compared to traditional methods.

The entire operation does not last for longer than 15-20 minutes. However, you should expect to spend at least a few hours at the hospital. To make sure there are no complications, your urologist may ask you to spend a couple of hours at the hospital and rest. Once assured, you will be able to return home on the same day.

What to Expect After Laser Circumcision Procedure?

Typically, laser circumcision operation is performed on an outpatient basis, meaning you can expect to go home on the same day of surgery. After the surgery, it is also likely that your urologist will schedule some postoperative follow-up consultations to ensure a smooth recovery. 

During these visits, your urologist will examine the surgical site and check for signs of bleeding, infection, or any other odd signs of recovery.

The urologist will also likely ask if you have noticed any signs of post-op complications. If so, be sure to inform your urologist about them. It is normal to have mild swelling and discomfort for a couple of days after your procedure. These side effects usually resolve on their own and do not require any medical intervention. However, if symptoms seem to persist or worsen over time, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

You can likely return to your daily activities and routine in just 2-3 days after surgery. However, it is imperative to take it slow and avoid any strenuous activities. It is also advisable to refrain from sexual intercourse for at least 5-6 weeks after surgery or until your doctor thinks it’s safe to do so. 

Recovery After Laser Circumcision Procedure

In most cases, laser circumcision recovery time can range anywhere from 1-2 weeks. As previously mentioned, you can likely return to work in just 2-3 days.

However, depending on your overall health and quality of care, the recovery time may be longer. To ensure a smooth recovery and minimize the chances of any complications as much as possible, your urologist may also instruct you to follow some simple steps and precautions such as:

  • Hydration: It is imperative to stay hydrated after your laser circumcision procedure. Drink at least 7-8 cups of water every day and increase your intake of other nutritional fluids. Fresh fruit juice and coconut water are excellent for decreasing urine acidity.
  • Wearing Comfortable Underwear: Wear underwear that is comfortable for you. You may prefer a snug fit for support. Or you might like loose-fitting briefs. The underwear should hold the penis upright.
  • Avoid Strenuous Activities: Avoid any strenuous activities or exercises that exert too much pressure on the groin area. Instead, perform light impact exercises such as walking or cycling. These exercises help regulate blood flow and faster recovery. 
  • Avoid Using any Ointments and Creams: Avoid using any unprescribed medications or ointments on the penis to reduce swelling or discomfort. Before using any medications or creams, make sure to consult with your urologist first.
  • Maintain Good Hygiene: Maintaining good genital hygiene, especially after the circumcision procedure, is always important. Keep the penile region clean and dry. Change the dressing as directed by your urologist regularly. When your doctor thinks it’s safe, you can start taking regular baths or showers. Make sure to clean the penis thoroughly and prevent excessive accumulation of smegma.
  • Avoid Sexual Intercourse: Refrain from sexual intercourse for at least 5-6 weeks after surgery or until your doctor thinks it’s safe to do so. Engaging in sex before giving your penis enough time to heal could lead to delayed healing and skin tearing. 

What are the benefits of Laser Circumcision?

Some benefits that are generally associated with laser circumcision surgery are given below:

  • Minimal Blood Loss: A surgical laser operates at a very high temperature. Due to this, any blood vessels that may have been cut during the procedure are almost immediately cauterized. This results in minimal bleeding during the procedure. 
  • Outpatient Procedure: A laser circumcision procedure is generally performed on an outpatient basis. This means that you will likely be able to return home on the same day of surgery. However, you should expect to spend a few hours at the hospital. 
  • Negligible Risk of Infection: Laser circumcision is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a surgical laser that operates at a very high temperature. As a result, any potential entry points for bacteria are almost immediately closed off. 
  • Short Recovery Period: A surgical laser is extremely precise and cuts the foreskin without the risk of any deep cuts or excessive bleeding. As a result, laser circumcision requires minimal recovery time. On average, recovery after laser circumcision can take anywhere from 7-10 days to complete.
  • Preservation of Surrounding Tissue: Laser circumcision is generally considered to be ideal for tissue preservation and minimal trauma to surrounding tissue. Additionally, it is also recommended by most urologists for its ability to provide better cosmetic results and minimal postoperative pain and discomfort.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

Complications of any kind after a laser circumcision surgery are very rare. However, as is the case with any other surgery, it is important to know what complications are possible. Some laser circumcision side effects and complications that may occur after your surgery include:

  • Excessive Bleeding: While mild-to-moderate bleeding is to be expected after any kind of surgical procedure, excessive or persistent bleeding may be a sign of complication. If you are facing symptoms of excessive bleeding that does not seem to stop on its own, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. 
  • Skin Adhesions: While the formation of penile adhesions is highly unlikely, especially with laser circumcision, they can still happen. Penile adhesions or skin bridges refer to areas of the foreskin that are stuck to the glans. During the process of circumcision, these adhesions need to be cut in order for the foreskin to be removed. If these adhesions are not completely removed, the circumcised edge of the foreskin may be drawn up over one section of the corona and create an unsatisfactory appearance. 
  • Infection: Due to the measures taken by the urologist to maintain a sterile operative environment, the chances of infection are minimal. However, in some cases, it can still happen and should not be taken lightly. If you notice symptoms of an infection, such as fever, chills, redness, and drainage of yellowish pus from the incision site, it is imperative to contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Most cases can be treated with antibiotics if detected early on. However, delayed treatment may include surgical intervention.
  • Excessive Pain: Mild pain and discomfort is a common laser circumcision side effect that is to be expected and considered normal. To help relieve pain, your urologist may also prescribe you some medications. However, excessive or persistent pain that does not subside on its own could be a sign of complication. In such a case, it is advisable to consult your urologist immediately.
  • Delayed Healing: As is the case with any other surgical procedure, chances of delayed or abnormal healing are present with laser foreskin removal surgery as well. Prior to surgery, your urologist will likely perform a series of tests to understand your overall health better and minimize any chances of abnormal or delayed healing as much as possible.
  • Insufficient Removal of the Foreskin: Laser circumcision is a highly advanced and precise procedure. As a result, cases of insufficient foreskin removal are very rare. However, some patients have reported ineffective treatment of their foreskin problem or unsatisfactory cosmetic results. In such a case, you may require a revision procedure for correction. 

Is Laser Circumcision Safe?

A laser circumcision surgery is an advanced and minimally invasive urological procedure that is often considered to be safe and effective by most urologists.

Laser circumcision procedure also boasts a high success rate of more than 95%. Cases of any complications, either during or after a laser circumcision surgery, are rare. The ones which do exist are generally easily manageable. 

Laser circumcision surgery is an extremely accurate procedure that does not involve the risk of any excessive bleeding or deep cuts. As a result, it requires a shorter recovery time, minimal postoperative pain or discomfort, and offers better cosmetic results. 

Is It the Best Option For You?

Laser circumcision can be performed for a wide variety of reasons. While in some cases, it can be performed as an effective treatment for foreskin issues such as phimosis, paraphimosis, and balanitis. In some other cases, it can be performed due to religious, cultural, or cosmetic reasons.

Whatever the reason for your surgery be, though, a laser circumcision is a safe and effective method for foreskin removal surgery.

Despite its high success rate and low risk of complications, however, proper consultation with a qualified urologist is still essential. If you are looking to undergo circumcision surgery or have any further questions regarding the procedure, you can contact us and book your consultation with our highly qualified and experienced urologists today. 


When can I have sex after a laser circumcision procedure?

In most cases, urologists recommend patients abstain from sex for at least 42 days after they are circumcised to allow complete healing. Resuming sexual intercourse before the circumcision wound has completely healed can put you at an increased risk of HIV. It could also facilitate the transmission or acquisition of infection. Even after the initial 42 days of abstinence, it is advisable to consult your urologist first before resuming sexual intercourse with your partner.

How long will I stay in the hospital after laser circumcision surgery?

A laser circumcision procedure is generally performed on an outpatient basis. This means that you will likely be able to return home on the same day of surgery. The operation itself does not take more than 10-15 minutes to complete. However, you should expect to spend at least a couple of hours at the hospital.

How much does laser circumcision surgery cost in India?

Laser circumcision cost in India can start from Rs. 26,000 and go up to Rs. 30,000. However, depending on a multitude of factors, such as consultation charges, operating fees, the city you are in, and hospital charges, the overall surgery cost is likely to vary. 

Is laser circumcision covered by insurance?

Yes, laser circumcision surgery is generally covered by most health insurance plans in India if it is deemed to be a medical necessity by your healthcare provider. However, if the reason behind your procedure is cosmetic or religious, insurance coverage is highly unlikely. Prior to surgery, it is best to consult with your insurance provider regarding the inclusions and exclusions of your insurance plan.

What should I avoid after laser circumcision?

Refrain from vigorous physical exercises for a week to avoid any excessive pressure on the penis. Such exercises involve running, cycling, sports, swimming, etc. Instead, perform low-intensity exercises such as walking or stretching. Regular exercises can help enhance your blood flow and improve overall healing. 

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